


Congrats to Adam Cadotte, our Supervisor and Safety Champion at IAC!

Here's The Story.

“As a supervisor on the off-shifts, he makes certain his employees work safely, wear their PPE and perform pre-shift safety assessments.”

-Alan Williams, IAC

This month, we’re excited to celebrate Adam for his achievements in safety and team leadership at International Automotive Components. We’re proud to announce he’s this month’s Safety Champion Bonus winner. Get to know Adam!

First off, tell me a little bit about your job – what are your day to day responsibilities?

“My main thing is to get orders out on time, and correctly. So sometimes that’s hard, because we don’t have the product at the time, then we have to expedite it when it does come. Make sure the customer is satisfied… make sure everything is on time, get the correct products out.”

How do you work safe or keep your coworkers safe?
“Nothing really, just remind them, you know… well, we drive forklifts, so make sure they’re honking their horns at the proper time, have their lights on, make sure everything works on their forklift.”

What’s your favorite part of your job?
”Oh, working with all the people. They’re awesome. I haven’t had any bad interactions with anybody.”

Any words of wisdom for other teammates trying to be as successful as you’ve been?
”Just keep pushing forward, keep following all policies, procedures, safety… and you’ll do well for yourself. People will notice you.”

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